By creating an Account at, you agree that you will use this platform as it is and will not engage in any fraudulent activities. Your account may be permanently suspended if you fail to comply these regulations.
If you engage in buying and selling of products listed in auctions, you understand that there may be server delays when a large number of people are interested in a particular product. You may or may not get your desired price (Buy/Sell), in that case, will not be held accountable.
Buying Regulations
Please check the product images and read the product description carefully before buying any product.
Please buy only from verified sellers. Buying from unverified sellers is not covered by money-back guarantee.
Please bid on products only if you can pay the price within four (4) days after the auction has ended.
Please pay via Bank Transfer if the product price is more than Ten Thousand (10,000) Tk. Contact us for Bank Account details.
Selling Regulations
Please verify your account before you start selling.
To become an individual seller, you have to send us your (1) full name, (2) NID Card picture, and (3) Bank Account details to this email:
By becoming a seller you agree that you will only sell products that can be sold legally in Bangladesh.
When listing a product, describe the product as closely as possible.
Placing bid on your own product is not permitted. If this kind of activity is observed, we may take necessary steps including permanent suspension of your account.
Selling illegal products, guns, drugs may result in complete suspension of your account.